How to Pack Boxes For Moving

Here are some tips on How to Pack Boxes For Moving. Tip on How To Pack Boxes For Moving in the Kitchen. Suggestions on How To Pack Your Pictures or Mirrors. With a variety of good quality moving boxes you can prevent your items from being damaged while moving. Some people find packing boxes the hardest thing about moving. Getting rid of any items you no longer need will help a great deal in packing process. This will also save you time and money in the end of moving something you no longer need or use. You won’t need to pay for the storage boxes. The removal company to move it and find a home for it. So De-Cluttering before you move is a great idea.
See our Tips on Selling Unwanted Goods. Or Tips on How to reduce your moving cost for more details.
Getting good proper Moving or Storage Boxes plus packing tape is the key to help have a stress free move
This will save your items especially your fragile items from being damaged in the move. Not only is getting a good strong box important but also the way you pack it. How to Pack Boxes For Moving Use this as a guide. As most of this information on How To Pack Boxes For Moving is for if you are moving houses or relocating a business. Can also be used if you are just packing one box for say shipping something overseas or interstate. Or just placing something into storage.
Starting to process of packing early. Will give you a change to clear out any items you not longer want of use
- Get most of if not all your packing items early. This includes a range of good quality Storage or Moving Boxes, Bubble Wrap, Butchers Paper, Tissue Paper, Void Fill, Packing Tape and Parker Pen.
- Clear a space either on the floor or table depending on how big the boxes are that you are going to pack. If you are packing a large say Tea-Chest box you need to do this on the floor. Where you are going to store it for the time being would be great. So you don’t need to worry about shifting it, if its too heavy for you to keep lifting and moving.
- If you have a spare room start there. That way you can clear it out and store your boxes say against the wall.
- Get say 3-5 boxes ready to go. Different sizes say large and medium would be good. Seal the bottom of the box with good quality packing tape. Rubber Base tape is the best as it sticks well to the boxes in all kind of weather. Please don’t use cheap tape. This will not support your boxes. It also tends to break easily and does not stick well. The last thing you want is for your box to come apart while someone is trying to move it. With all your items falling out of the bottom.
- You can seal the bottom box. As long as you have good quality tape you won’t need to much. Depending on what you are going to put in the box. One strip of tape in the middle where the bottom joins and one in the middle from one side to the next should be enough support. If you are worried. Just add 2 strips of tape to either side of the box.
- Are you going to place your items in storage for a length of time. Or shipping your items overseas. Its best to seal the ends completely so there are no holes. You are better off doing the bottom of the box before you pack it. Make sure you seal the joins of the boxes.
How To Pack Books For Moving.
- Start with the bottom shelf of the book case. Use small to medium sizes boxes that you have ready to go.
- Place a sheet of butchers paper at the bottom of your box. Don’t use news paper as the print might go on your books.
- Stand the boxes upright and place the open part of the book against the side of the box with the spine facing the middle of the box.
- With the next row place the books spine to spine and stand the books up right to begin with.
- If there is room for a third row. Place a sheet of butchers paper in between row 2 and 3 of the books.
- Try to fill all spaces in the box either with smaller books. Void Fill, Butchers Paper, Bubble Wrap so they books don’t move during transit.
- Test the weight of the box and make sure its not to heavy to lift for you before you add more books or seal the box
- Do you still have room on top of the first row of books. Place a sheet of paper down and line the next lot of books flat with a sheet of paper on top.
- Make sure you are able to seal the box flat so you can stack the boxes on top of each other if need be.
- Mark the box clearly that it is fill with books and which room you would like it to go in.
How To Pack Boxes For Moving in the Kitchen
- Double wall extra strong boxes for your plates and glasses etc are the best.
- Using Butchers Paper for your kitchen ware is better then using newspaper as this will save you having to wash up once you have moved.
- Have a few medium boxes ready to go. place a couple of sheets of paper at the bottom of the box. Or even tea towels will be fine.
- As you wrap your plates well, one at a time. Stand these upright in the box. They are stronger this way then lying them down flat.
- Also with your glasses and cups and dinner plates. Stand these up right as well.
- Can you fit say two rows in . One on top of each other. Use tea towels, butchers paper or bubble wrap in between each row.
- Pots and Pan or large dishes will need to go in a bigger box if they are to big for the medium boxes.
- Wrap these up in paper as well. Check the weight of the boxes from time to time as you are packing. As these do tend to get heavy. To fill the rest of the box. Use lighter items on top like Tupperware
- Pack any dry food you have in a separate box and mark this clearly.
- Moving overseas. Try not to pack any food or check with the quarantine in the country you are moving to.
- Declare any food you have taken with you to that country. The last thing you need is for customs to open your boxes because you didn’t declare something.
- With your kitchen utensils you can place these in a plastic bag or tea towel and place in the box. Have all the knives facing the same way and make the bag clearly so you don’t cut yourself when you pick up the bag.
- Do you have newspaper around. You can use this as filling in any gaps you may have in the storage box. Just remember the print can get all over your hand and items. So be careful where you use it
- Pack the cardboard box as tight and as much as you can with filling. This will prevent your items moving around in the box during the move. Also will prevent breakage.
- Check the weight of your boxes before you seal the box so you know you can lift is safely.
- If you are packing pots and pan. These tend to make the box heavy so use your plastic ware or lighter items to fill the rest of the box.
- Have all your chemicals in one box. Make sure all the lids are on tight and bottles are sealed.
- Keep food separate and away from everything else. Make sure all your plastic containers have the correct lids and are sealed.
- Mark your boxes clearly so it will be easier for you to find once you have moved.
How To Pack Your Pictures or Mirrors.
- Have the right size box for your Pictures or Mirror.
- You can wrap these up in a blanket, Bubble Wrap, Pro Wrap or sheet.
- Use masking tape diagonal over the glass. This will add extra protection
- When placing two pictures in the same box. Wrap at least one of them up. Or both and have the glass facing towards each other inside the box.
- Seal the box. Make sure it has “This Way Up” and Fragile on the box.
Donating your books
You can also donate your books to a charity. Lifeline Uniting Care QLD will then sell your books at the lifeline book fair.
Thank you for taking the time in reading through our tips on How to Pack Boxes For Moving. We hope these tips have been useful to you and your family.
If we can assist with anything else or have any questions. Please let us know. Be more then happy to assist you where we can.
Kind Regards
Roxann Coffey
Moving Packing and Storage Supplies Brisbane.
Phone 0411 676626