When Is The Best Time To Move

You may be asking When Is The Best Time To Move. Generally you can save by booking well in advance and booking for your up and coming relocation during the start of the week from Monday to Thursday. Also book outside peak traffic time. This will save you a lot of time and money especially when you are paying per the hour.
Most Removal Companies are busy over the weekends. As that is generally when a lot of people moving especially during peak times like School Holidays. Easter and Christmas.
If this is the only time you get due to work or other commitments. Book for first job in the morning. Even though it may be early. As then you will not be waiting around if the removal company got held up on other jobs before you.
What day of the week is the best time to move
By choosing a day during the week. There is a lot less traffic on the road after peak traffic has finished. Some removal companies have specials going as most people will move on the weekend. This way you will also get to choose a time that is suitable for you. The job will be done a lot quicker and more cost effective for you.
Having everything packed and ready to go when the removal company arrives will save them time. You will be well prepared on moving day.
You can get Mattress protection bags and Lounge covers.
Using good quality moving boxes and packing supplies. This will help prevent your items being damaged. Or cause injury to someone else.
Make sure you check out our blog for other great tips on moving and relocating to help you save time and money
If we can assist you with anything else Please let us know. Be happy to help where we can. You can call Roxann Coffey on 041167662 or email roxann@boxemup.com.au
Thank you for reading our tips on When Is The Best Time To Move
Roxann Coffey
BOX EM UP Moving Packing and Storage Supplies Brisbane