Tips For Selling Unwanted Goods

Here are some Tips for Selling Unwanted Goods that you no longer need or use. This will help save on the cost of moving. It will save you time later on. You will also get some extra money to put towards the cost of moving or items for your new home. It will free up some space on the removal truck. Plus you can save on your Moving and Packing Items.
- Selling Unwanted Goods. You can save you money on packing supplies as you won’t need as many boxes
- Selling Unwanted Goods. This can save you time in packing your home.
- Selling Unwanted Goods. This can save you money on the removal company as it will be less they have to put and take off the truck.
- Selling Unwanted Goods. Will give you money to put towards your move or items for your new home.
- Selling Unwanted Goods. You will not have to worry about finding a space for something that just collecting dust.
- Selling Unwanted Goods. Will save you wasting your money if your items are going into storage for a period of time. As you may be able to use a smaller shed.
This will help you de-clutter your home. Plus keep your new home clutter free. Especially if you are downsizing or want a fresh start.
How you want to de-clutter your home is up to you. There are a few options you can use. Such as if you want to give your items away to friends or family. Having a garage sale or taking them to the markets. below is a list of places where you can try to sell your items or donate them to a charity of your choice. These places will not cost you any money to advertise as they are free sites.
Hope this information helps you in someway. You could also try Google Search to see you can find someone in your local area to take your items you no longer need. If we can assist you in anyway with your moving and packing supplies. Please let us know buy using the contact form or simple call 0411676626 or email
- Ebay Australia
- Gumtree Australia
- Garage Sale on Facebook ( Brisbane only. You should be able to find one for your city or local area on Facebook as well)
- Cash Converters
- Quick Sales
- Recycle Australia find one near you.
- St Vincents De Paul
- Salvation Army
- The Smith Family
- Nacro
Some Charity places will not take electrical items. Just give them a call first to see if they do or don’t. Donna from Organize It has some tips for Garage Sale if you decide on having a garage sale. You can post it on here for free at Garage Sale Classified . People do show up early before the time you put you are going to start your garage sale. So be ready for it. My friends have been caught out a bit with this so thought to share. Or people come in saying they will buy and take the lot for say $100 or what every they choose. Saying they can only fit so much in and will come back for the rest later.
With only taking the good items and leave the rest behind. So please don’t be caught out. Say something like they have to take everything in one go. Or just give them certain some of the good and not so good items to take and come back for the rest.
If you have old Toys, Computers Items , Paper or Musical Instruments for sale or give away. Try your local school, Daycare center or even the PCYC if you have one nearby.
If you or someone you know is a hoarder and are finding it hard de-clutter and sell, give away, or dump your items. You are not alone. Please seek help if you need to. Centacare Brisbane has services that can help you. There is also the Salvation Army and other organization that are there to help you and your family. Peter Walsh is a expert on De-clutter and Organizing your home or office. He has been on Oprah and other shows from sunrise take a look at his website for advice. Or see the Video below.
This Video is Courtesy of Peter Walsh
If we can help you with anything else. Please let us know. Hope these tips were helpful and you got something out of it to help you save on your moving or relocation cost.
Thanks Roxann Coffey
BOX EM UP Moving Packing and Storage Supplies Brisbane.